
I don't even know what is this about. Just read this ok!!

HI GUYS!! no no i'm not really sure if this post is read by a lot of people.. but, whoever you are.. thankyou so much for visiting this random, nonsense, or whatever it says about this blog. LOL. and umm.. ANYWAY!! it's been a while since I wrote the latest post on this blog. it's because i was still as a highschool student who wasnt really busy enough about school activities but I honestly busy of going to the mall. yaa I know it's kinda freak but whatever i love going to the mall and i go the mall almost everyday. But after I finally at my 18th I have to decrease my bad habits over these past 17 years. it wasnt happen so suddenly or i picked myself to do so.. no! it's not that easy to change it. but it's because I finally being a college student. I'm so glad that I finally can go the college because it means like you're already being yourself cause you live so far away from your home sweet home, families, pets, or anything that you been lived with all this time. Now you can learn how to live alone and how to make yourself to success in your own way. well, my college is so far away from where I used to live.. and as you know, my town is where there are some grass lands that covered by a lot of malls, and if you're looking at your right, you will find a mall. and then if you're continue to look at your left, you'll find another mall. that is my town is look like and no wonder why the traffic could be the worst thing ever as what people made fun of my town lately.. if you're having some clue what town where I live.. i'm 100% sure that you live in this town too or you've been to this town. come on don't be shy to tell where you live, because this town is ON EARTH come on guys seriously! ok I forgot that no one will see this post ok ok. back to the topic.. I dont even know what topic that i've been told here haa. well, ya those are the main reason why I didnt write to this blog and then randomly appear with the random article that I wrote. yaa I live here alone and I stare at my laptop all the time. don't bother it.. I just bored. ok byee see you at the next random post! p.s if I appear next time, it would mean that I bored to death. ok bye. love love!!



England School

It's interesting to see England school. It seems like different with other school, from the building to it's uniforms. Let's take a look at the pictures

1. School

2. Uniform 1


3. Uniform 2

Royal Family

wish I was there... LOL

Celebrities From UK

There's so many celebrities that came from UK, and here's some pictures of those celebrities....

  1. Robert Pattinson

2. Adele

3. Emma Watson

 4. Rowan Atkinson

5. Jessie J



Take a look at this picture of the cutest cat alive.... GOD how cute!!!!!

Even cat loves England.
how could you not?






HI I'm Haliza. People would say London is a perfect city, I don't know is it just me or everyone else thinking so. I've never been to London to be honest but that's one of the biggest dreams of mine. Not just come for a visit but I also want to live there, having lots of friends, living happily, I would find a new happiness there. The main reasons why I love London so much are :

  1.   For myself, London is one of the cleanest city I've ever known. No need to take long way down to there for the prove, if you take a look at the photos of London you'll find out that's true opinion. here's one of the photos of how clean London is : 

How on earth! river on the central of big city with the busy life of it's society could be that clean? OMG!  and the community also care about it. here's the picture : 


 2. I love London's Buildings so much.. London's society keep the old buildings with the right way, such Big Ben, London Bridge, London eye and there's so much more! Especially The Kingdom Building, I love how they're uphold The Royal Life, and it's become an iconic of UK. here's are some of  London buildings  : 
 London Old Building

Royal Palace


 3. I also love London transportation such as Big Red Bus! I love it so much!! and some of train. Let's take a look at this one : 

4. Never far away from these guys, they're one of the reason why I love London. My boys.

For the end of my words I love London so much and you can't really like it if you're not really look at how lovely London is. Millions of words can't describe how big is my love for London. I really hope to one day I can live there and see for real. The imagination even can't take the happiness if you're not really see what's in front of you. LoveLove. XOXO